Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 2: Don’t eat at Patsy’s on 23rd between 8th and 9th

Day 1 homework was pretty straight forward: chop carrots in to ¼ inch cubes, and julienne some turnips. The execution was not so much. It’s proving to be quite an obstacle. One end of my carrot sticks are rectangular, the other a square, and I can’t seem to figure out how to make them the same. However, my julienned and brunoise turnips aren’t too bad. Being so focused on getting the technique right, I didn’t pause to take some pictures. Next time.
As for actual class, we started our ServSafe section, which is necessary to get your license for food handling. It’s basically about sanitation and hygiene, preventing bacterial growth. For the most part, we listened to Chef Tim tell tales of nasty food poisoning. My personal favorite, about Patsy’s on 23rd between 8th and 9th where he ate some bad meat from an antipasti platter and was so sick that he missed his plane for Rome the next morning. The cause? Staph. How did he get it? Someone probably scratched their face, or itched their eye and touched the meat without washing their hands and as the day went on and it sat at room temperature, the bacteria multiplied so much that by the time Chef Tim ate it, puked it all up, there was still enough Staph in his body that the doctors were able to positively identify it as the culprit. Gnarly, right?

The second half of class was spent cooking vegetables, pretty much uneventfully, and frankly not worth writing about. Hopefully class will get a lot more exciting! (Gulp, I may eat those words)

FYI for those interested in culinary school, be prepared to stand on your feet the entire time, that’s 5 hours straight for night classes.

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